Music to 5K to.

This running playlist features an eclectic mix of indie and punk rock tunes that pack a punch and will get your adrenaline pumping. "Open" by Crying kicks off the playlist with its upbeat tempo and catchy synth riffs that will immediately get you moving. "Syke! Life Is Awesome" by Bomb The Music Industry picks up the pace with its frenzied, fast-paced beats and punk rock energy.

Charly Bliss' "DQ" slows things down a bit with its more melodic sound but still maintains the high energy level with its driving beat and catchy guitar riffs. "Something about lemons" by Chumped keeps the momentum going with their punk rock sound and introspective lyrics that will keep your mind engaged while you run.

As the playlist progresses, the songs become faster and more intense, with "Novella Ella Ella Eh" by Chumped and "302" by The Lippies delivering high-energy bursts of punk rock energy. Illuminati hotties' "Pressed 2 Death" adds a touch of lo-fi indie rock to the mix, while Cheekface's "Eternity Leave" offers a witty and sarcastic take on modern life.

"I hate the weekend" by Tacocat is a standout track on this playlist, with its catchy riffs and powerful vocals, while "The Primitives Talk" by Zach Hill offers a more experimental and avant-garde take on punk rock. "Moth Like Me" by Guerilla Toss delivers a dose of psychedelic rock, and The I.L.Y's "Doing Things That Artists Do" offers a unique take on post-punk.

The playlist comes to a climax with "A Pack Of Wolves" by Black Eyes, which delivers a furious onslaught of punk rock energy and aggression. "Woman on the screen" by Boris and "Where Did you go" by Dark Thoughts offer a more introspective and reflective tone, before the playlist ends on a high note with Jeff Rosenstock's "Festival Song", a triumphant and anthemic punk rock track that will leave you feeling energized and ready to take on the world.

Overall, this running playlist will keep you motivated and energized throughout your workout. With its blend of fast-paced beats, catchy hooks, and powerful vocals, it is the perfect soundtrack for any runner looking to push themselves to the limit.


