Binary running beats.

Music to 5K to.

"Computer Love Songs" is a perfect playlist for runners looking for a mix of indie rock and alternative tracks that are sure to keep them energized throughout their run.

The playlist starts off with the ethereal and dreamy sound of Lana Del Rey's "A&W", which is followed by the upbeat and quirky sound of Caroline Rose's "Command Z". The playlist then moves on to Guerilla Toss's energetic and frenzied tracks "Famously Alive" and "Cannibal Capital", which are guaranteed to pump up your adrenaline and make you move.

As the playlist progresses, Disq's "Cujo Kiddles" and Bad Bad Hats' "Detroit Basketball" offer a brief respite with their more laid-back sounds before the playlist ramps up again with Sleigh Bells' "Infinity Guitars", which features powerful guitar riffs and pounding beats that are perfect for keeping your momentum going.

Tokyo Police Club's "Bambi" provides a pop-oriented sound that will keep your spirits high, and Yukon Blonde's "Stairway" and Caroline Rose's "Bikini" close out the playlist on a positive and upbeat note, leaving you feeling accomplished and satisfied with your workout.

Overall, "Computer Love Songs" is a playlist that is perfectly suited to runners who want to stay motivated and energized throughout their workout. The playlist's combination of indie rock and alternative tracks with upbeat and catchy melodies will keep you running at a steady pace while also making the experience enjoyable and fun.


