This is the face of a kid who’s about to murder you with an axe!

8-bit Bruce

My name is Bruce. I’m proud to share that the kid did not grow up to be an axe murderer.

In fact, he was a grown-ass man the first time he used an axe.

And it was awesome.

Professionally, you might recognize me by this equally awkward photo.

I think the design team photoshopped hair on my head– and whitened my teeth. Regardless, it’s the best photo of me ever taken. It was uploaded to LinkedIn years ago and has never. ever. changed.

Anyway, in exchange for my hair (and some coffee-stained teeth), I was mentored by great business leaders and learned so much as we took Dealer Inspire from a startup to acquisition.

Now I’m starting again – but this time around, the craft beer is non-alcoholic.

Professional Bruce

This is my squad. Why I do what I do.

If you see us around the town, say “hi”. We’re friendly– and only the dogs bite a little (not pictured, but heavily photographed).

This is where I bring it all home.